My medical mystery.

My medical mystery.

Mom overboard.

I’ve concluded lately that I must be suffering from a physical or mental ailment. I have been having peculiar, unexplained symptoms. They include, hallucinations, an inability to properly string together sentences coherently, and I have been hearing voices!

I noticed the first symptom one day when I asked my children if their rooms were clean. To which they unanimously, with an eye roll each, and a quick snicker to one another, replied,

“YES, of course, mom!” .

Something about the way they snickered led me to believe they may not be practising honesty. I decided to go investigate for myself and low and behold my eyes conjured up an unholy mess that according to my children, “wasn’t even there.” I sighed and in an attempt to gain sympathy from my husband I exclaimed,

“Would you look at this mess!”

My husband at the time, was playing clash of titans on…

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About crissynf

I am a Canadian mother of three, four if you count the dog! a SAHM, a wife to a man who works in the oil field, whose job finds him in interesting places all over the world for extended periods of time, which equates to me being home with the kids for extended periods of time. I am also a recovering addict (three and a half years clean) a chapter of my life I'm not proud of but I've learned not to be ashamed of either. It is a chapter of my life that overlapped into the early years of my first two children's lives and for that I will be eternally sorry. The lessons I learned in the recovery process and the new appreciation that I have gained for life throughout recovery have been invaluable to me. When I'm not tending to the needs of three monkeys I can be found... Who am I kidding? I can always be found tending to the needs of three monkeys. I started a blog primarily and simply because I love to write, I needed a place to vent, explore, and maybe make sense of this parenting gig with other mothers and like minded people. It was also an attempt for me to resuscitate this failing mommy brain that I seem to be suffering from. I enjoy writing this blog, and I enjoy reading other blogs I guess it gives me a sense that we are "normal" and we are doing ok. There is a comfort in knowing that others think and feel the same way. Being a SAHM brings with it a certain isolation factor that divides us from the adult world, so a connection to other mothers through blogging is a welcome preoccupation. Hopefully someone stumbles upon this blog and enjoys reading it!

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